Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Yeah, that's right. I said it. Tonight's run sucked my @$$.  So before I go on there are a couple of things you need to know about me...

1. I am NOT a competitive person.  Seriously, at the slightest sniff of competition, I lay down and pout.  Literally cross my arms and nearly throw a temper tantrum.  I just don't do it.  Call it a fear of failure or whatever you want but Competition and me don't get along.
2.  I don't like to be pushed, ESPECIALLY in athletics.
3. I don't like to hold other people back from their goals and I don't like other people relying on me to complete their goals.
4. I'm slow.  I know I'm slow.  I've always been slow.  I don't feel the need, right now, to be fast.

These are probably all inter-related and I promise I will seek out a therapist and talk about the relationship between these things and my weight and my father and blah blah blah later on in life okay? But until then, I run. And tonight.  I sucked.
I didn't realize that I was the only one with a gymboss beeper when we left the Runner's Edge... actually, I didn't realize it until we got on the trail and the people behind Maggie and I wouldn't pass us and were on the same time as us.  I looked back and realized it was my fellow BOPers! Ahhh Back of the Pack.  We're fine.
These BOPers weren't so BOP!!!!! We were doing a 30/35 second interval and the 30 seconds of jogging was actually a sprint (for me anyway)! But I can't back off because I'm the one with the beeper! So I pushed my butt through it but at the end wound up with a stitch in my side and a scowl on my face.
Then I got home and Kevin accidentally chopped all my celery. GEEZ!!!!

I should say, however, that the 10 mile run on Sunday was pretty awesome.  I struggled on 39th street with the hills but wound up really enjoying myself and the BEAUTIFUL weather.  The Run for the Luck of it is on Saturday and a short 4 miler on Sunday.  Looking forward to redeeming myself (and myself only) this weekend.

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